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  • Member Orientation: Laser Cutter

Member Orientation: Laser Cutter

  • Tue, June 07, 2016
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • make717 Innovation Center
  • 1


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Laser Orientation aims to give Make717 members a solid foundation in Laser operation. Only members in good standing who have passed this course are permitted to operate the Laser.

Topics covered:

- Safety first. Become aware of the inherent hazards of using a laser.
- Understanding the Full Spectrum laser system.
- Introduction to RetinaEngrave 3D, the software controller for our laser.
- Setting up a job, software side. Will cover basic engraving and cutting.
- Setting up a job, hardware side. Will cover focus, fixturing and laser control panel.
- Emergency response.
- Running a job.
- Cleanup.
- Community issues, including the job log, schedule and policy enforcement.
- Permitted and Forbidden materials.

The class takes at least 2 hours. 1-1/2 hours are instruction. To pass, each participant must successfully complete a practicum demonstrating their ability to design and execute a laser focus ruler. The finished ruler is the credential needed to gain access the laser. The practicum should take 30 minutes. But because of the vagaries of hands-on training, participants may need to stay a little later than the schedule suggests, or take their practicum on another day.

Materials are provided. There are a limited number of textbooks which may be borrowed after training.

Primetime hours for maker members
Mon - Fri: 5pm to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm

Copyright 2017 make717, Inc. All Rights Reserved 
Mailing Address: 848 E Main St, Suite 800 #1213, Ephrata, PA 17522
Makerspace Address:  1151 Clark Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
(717) 537-1067 info@make717.org

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