Training Workshop Objective

The objective of the training workshops is to familiarize the user with the Tormach PCNC 770 Series 3 machine and basic CNC machining skills.

This will be accomplished through multiple paid workshops that will involve sessions of classroom instruction and hands on learning. Safety and other procedures will be a top priority. After each workshop, the user will keep their completed project and will receive some new tools similar to those used during the sessions.

At the end of the training, the user will not be a professional machinist but they should be able to setup and safely operate the machine unsupervised.

Due to the complexity of this machine and CNC machining in general, determining when a user can proceed unsupervised will need to be decided on an individual basis. Users with professional experience may not need all the workshops while other users may require additional training.

Total learning time is approximately 30-40 hours over a 6 month period.

Total cost of all four workshops is $500.

If you are interested in being authorized to use the Tormach, please contact Kyle Hossler or Mike Ireland to be added to the waitlist.

Workshop 1 - Soft Jaws


W1 Cost

W1 Prerequisite

1. Manual Machining Workshop

2. Carvey

Workshop 1 Syllabus

Session 1.1 (classroom): overview of machine specifications, introduction to resources, and make717’s procedures for this machine.

Session 1.2 (machine): machine a set of 4” soft jaws that can be used with the vises in the Tormach.

Workshop 2 - Helping Hands Base

W2 Cost

W2 Prerequisite

Successful completion of Workshop 1

Workshop 2 Syllabus

Session 2.1 (classroom and machine): learn about “speeds and feeds” and practice some cutting parameters at the machine.

Session 2.2 (classroom): learn about thread milling and receive a basic introduction to Fusion 360.

Session 2.3 (machine): machine a helping hands base using the instructor’s verified part program.

Workshop 3 - Arduino Uno Enclosure

W3 Cost

W3 Prerequisite

Successful completion of Workshop 2

Workshop 3 Syllabus

Session 3.1 (classroom): learn about tapping options, more in depth look at Fusion 360, discuss machining strategy for the arduino uno enclosure.

Session 3.2 (classroom): review each student’s CAM

Session 3.3 (machine): machine an arduino uno enclosure using your part program.

Workshop 4 - Student Thesis

W4 Cost

W4 Prerequisite

Successful completion of Workshops 1 through 3

Workshop 4 Syllabus

For this workshop, you will choose your own project and do the design, CAM, and machining. You will receive one-on-one guidance as necessary through this process.

Primetime hours for maker members
Mon - Fri: 5pm to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm

Copyright 2017 make717, Inc. All Rights Reserved 
Mailing Address: 848 E Main St, Suite 800 #1213, Ephrata, PA 17522
Makerspace Address:  1151 Clark Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
(717) 537-1067

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