Laser Cutter Basics

The basics start with safety and operation. The laser cutter is a guided beam of intense light that burns and vaporizes material. Your safety is top priority. By following proper procedure you'll be able to create precision cuts and custom engravings. There are endless possibilities for laser projects.


This video covers safety risks and should be viewed prior to taking the safety quiz and signing up for the class.


This video covers operation of the laser. We will be viewing this at the beginning of laser orientation. After the video I will demonstrate the controls for you and answer your questions. A printed copy of the step-by-step guide will also be available to you during class.

Inkscape Key-Chain Design File - During laser orientation you will be engraving and cutting this design.

Primetime hours for maker members
Mon - Fri: 5pm to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm

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