There are times when it may be necessary to store your items and project (or parts) at make717 for future use. While we wish we had the available space to allow all members to store all their parts, we simply do not have the space. The following is an attempt to clarify and strengthen the benefits available.

There are 5 types of storage/labels to assist this policy:

  1. Round circle labels to indicate today’s date used for Lost and Found and the Free Shelf
    • Lost & Found: Red
    • Free: Green
  2. A 2" circle label with make717 logo for materials reserved for the exclusive use of make717 and not for general use

  3. White General Use labels indicating donor name and today’s date. 

  4. Blue labels for materials for purchase indicating item and price.

  5. Yellow Parking Permit labels indicating owner name, today’s date, and expected completion/removal date (default to 30 days or less), and MIC approval.

Maker Cubbies

      • Make717 has provided cubbies available to all monthly members. Each monthly member can utilize one free cubby, which is included with the membership fee. Stem pass users will need to become a monthly member in order to use the cubby storage.
      • Additional cubbies and the double sized cubbies can be rented at a nominal fee. 
      • Items in the cubbies should be able to be stored fully within the cubby. Items that extend into the walkway should not be stored in the cubby. Consider taking the item home or utilizing the Parking Permit in the approved Parking Lots. Additionally, items should be safely stowed so that there is no risk of falling out.
      • Cubbies are intended to be for tools, safety equipment, and project storage.  Paint and other chemicals are not approved to be stored here. Please use the approved flammable storage areas (listed below).
      • Refer to the printed cubby papers at the end of each row for assignment, look-up, and current policy and pricing.
      • Oversight and upkeep provided by the Storage Coordinator.

Lost & Found

      • The lost and found area is on the top of Cubby C case.  
      • Use the round red stickers to record today’s date and adhere to the items.
      • Be sure to announce the found items on the general make717 channel to aid in item recovery. A picture will help but is not required.
      • Items remaining after 30 days will be moved to the free shelf.
      • Oversight and upkeep provided by the CoLab Director

Free Shelf

      • Items on the free shelf should be relevant to make717. Examples include: extra materials left over from your project, or tools you may no longer need.
      • Please remove the used portion from your material (plywood, acrylic, etc) prior to placing it on the shelf. This will leave only usable material and take less storage space.
      • Use the round green stickers to record today’s date and adhere to the items.
      • Items unclaimed after 30 days may be thrown away or recycled.
      • Oversight and upkeep provided by the CoLab Director. 

Materials Shelf

      • The materials shelving is for materials and supplies that are for sale by make717.  
      • Materials may be priced by the piece or by the pound.
      • Material should be paid for at the payment terminal at the front desk. 
      • Locations for materials can be found in the machine shop as well as the hallway.
      • It is the responsibility of the user to determine if the material is laser safe. If it is not marked laser safe, assume that it is not.
      • Members looking to sell their own items can do so using the make717 telegram channel.
      • Make717 administration may purge materials at any time.
      • Materials for use by make717 workshops will have designated storage within each area.
      • Oversight and upkeep provided by the CoLab Director and/or area leaders

Fab Lab Yellow Fire Cabinet

      • Personal storage in this cabinet is not approved. Please use the blue cabinet.
      • This cabinet’s intended use is for storing the chemicals needed for the Fab Lab.
        • 99% Isopropyl Alcohol needed for the resin printer and electronics bench
        • 70% Isopropyl Alcohol needed for the laser (please do not confuse the 2—there is a significant price jump)
        • Other materials needed for the Fab Lab
      • All items in this cabinet are expected to have a label indicating the exclusive use of make717
      • Oversight and upkeep provided by the Fab Lab Director

        Paint Booth Red Fire Cabinet

            • This cabinet is for finishing. Examples include paint, stain, varnish, lacquer, oil, etc.
            • Please store your paint stripper and other chemicals in the blue cabinet.
            • All Items in this cabinet are expected to have either 
            1. A white general use label
            2. A yellow Parking Permit label
            • Long term storage of your item(s) is discouraged and you may be contacted to assist with removal and proper disposal (LCSWMA).
            • Oversight and upkeep provided by the Safety Director.

        Hallway Blue Fire Cabinet

            • This is the approved space for the remainder of chemicals/solvents/cleaners.
            • All Items in this cabinet are expected to have either 
            1. A label for exclusive use by make717
            2. A white General Use label
            3. A yellow Parking Permit label reserved for members
            • Long term storage of your item(s) is discouraged and you may be contacted to assist with removal and proper disposal (LCSWMA).
            • Oversight and upkeep provided by the Safety Director

        Paint drying rack

            • All items stored here are expected to have a yellow Parking Permit label
            • Expected completion date not to exceed 1 week
            • Stick the label to the tray or on the paper next to your item(s)
            • As trays get full, MICs may move your item (consolidating to 1 tray, your cubby, etc.)
            • Over 2 weeks, your item may be moved to the free shelf
            • Oversight and upkeep provided by MICs and the CoLab Director

                Parking Lots

                    • We understand that some materials may not fit in your cubby, and it is easier to store your project on-site for a limited time.
                    • All Items are expected to have a Parking Permit label
                    • The default expected completion date should not exceed 30 days. If you think you need longer, consider bringing your material home until you are ready to complete the project. 
                    • Approved parking lots are:
                    1. The Parking Lot labeled shelving in the hallway
                    2. The Parking Lot labeled shelving in the Machine Shop
                    3. Special MIC permission can be granted to leave items overnight on a machine or on a bench.  A Parking Permit is still required.
                    • If you have multiple items, please use a box to contain your items with the Parking Permit on the box, or contain/bundle it in some way. Free boxes are available on the top shelf of the parking lot in the hallway.
                    • Please do not store your items in areas other than the approved parking lots (example: above Member Cubbies).
                    • Owners will be contacted for items where the expected completion date has passed, notifying them that it is time to take their project home. If still not removed, it will be moved to the free shelf
                    • Oversight and upkeep provided by the CoLab Director

                Last updated April 2024

                Primetime hours for maker members
                Mon - Fri: 5pm to 9pm
                Saturday: 10am to 9pm
                Sunday: 10am to 5pm

                Copyright 2017 make717, Inc. All Rights Reserved 
                Mailing Address: 848 E Main St, Suite 800 #1213, Ephrata, PA 17522
                Makerspace Address:  1151 Clark Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
                (717) 537-1067

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