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Ladies, Technically Speaking Meetup Group

  • Mon, November 09, 2015
  • 6:00 PM
  • make717 Innovation Center

The make717 Innovation Center will host the meetup group, "Ladies, Technically Speaking".

From their website:

Are you a woman* in the Central PA area who loves programming and has been searching for a similar bunch of ladies to eat sweets and discuss code with? Or maybe you’re a total stranger to the developers’ way of life, but you’re curious and don’t know where to start?

The ideas for this meet-up are coming from places of learning, teaching, and inspiring. If there is a skillset you’d like to give a presentation on – great! Sit around over coffee and discuss workflow struggles – perfect! Is a lady in our community doing something great in the tech world and you want to hear about it – let’s do that, too!

These meet-ups will take different shapes and forms, some for beginners and others more in-depth. If you are not deterred by that and are still really excited about coming, you’re more than welcome. And vice-versa, established ladies please feel free to contribute to the novice conversations as well. We can all learn from each other!

This may in the new year take form into a Girl Develop It Lancaster chapter. I’m a huge supporter (if you don’t know about them, look into them, they’re terrific)! I’d like to see what the interest is in the area and how we can get this off the ground. Quite frankly, I’m a little tired of being one of five (or less) ladies in the room at these events, so let’s see where this goes!

*If you call yourself a woman, we do too. We don't care what's in your genes OR your jeans. Unless you're a robot, then we very much care and want you to join right away so we can pick your brain or... motherboard. (Borrowed from Ladies Who Code DC because this is awesome.)

RSVP at their website:


Primetime hours for maker members
Mon - Fri: 5pm to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm

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(717) 537-1067 info@make717.org

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